Watsons Vets Club used the Corona Virus Pandemic to activate a 24/7 Live Radio Stream of uplifting grooves to fill your day with good sounds and vibes. WVC also started a Live Podcast called “The Conscious Thread” that is hosted by KWats, Clover and Adam James. The Conscious Thread is a platform to gather and discuss local topics, social topics, global topics and all in between. Come have a listen and also get a chance to share your ideas topics you would like to discuss.
Each week we will explore a group of specific topics for the first half of the show and then the second half of the show will be open to callers to chime in on topics and or bring up new topics and ideas to discuss or for future topics. Our goal is to develop a real time live interactive forum for our greater friends and family to participate in especially in these times with so much change going on for everyone. Our mission is to bring about solutions and a place for us all to share in those solutions.
Our main theme is built around how this situation with the pandemic can be turned around into a positive experience to help get us through.